10 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Managing a Google Ads Campaign

Google Ads Campaign

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Google Ads is an impactful and cost-effective way to increase leads and sales for your business. However, when creating a Google Ads campaign during the campaign creation there are many options to choose from.

To achieve the highest return on investment it is important for each campaign that the actual ad and ad groups are set up correctly. Our blog post below looks at 10 common and costly mistakes which we recommend avoiding to achieve the best results from your Google Ads campaign (previously called Google Adwords).

From using geographical targeting to testing different ad variations. For each common and costly mistake, we will go into detail of what to avoid and the best method for your Google Ads campaigns.


Here are the 10 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Managing a Google Ads Campaign

  1. Not defining clear campaign goals: It’s important to define specific, measurable goals for your Google Ads campaign from the outset. Without clear goals, it can be difficult to measure the success of your campaign and make informed decisions about future strategies.
  2. Poorly targeted ads: Ad targeting is a critical aspect of any successful Google Ads campaign. Failing to properly target your ads can result in wasted ad spend and poor performance.
  3. Overcomplicating your campaign: Keeping your campaign simple and streamlined can be more effective than trying to cram in too many different elements. Focusing on the most important aspects of your campaign can help you achieve better results.
  4. Failing to track conversions: Conversion tracking is essential for understanding the effectiveness of your campaign and making data-driven decisions. Failing to track conversions can result in missed opportunities for improvement.
  5. Not optimizing your ads: Google Ads campaigns require ongoing optimization to achieve the best results. Failing to regularly review and adjust your ads can result in poor performance and wasted ad spending.
  6. Ignoring negative keywords: Negative keywords help you exclude irrelevant searches from your campaign, reducing the risk of wasted ad spend. Failing to use negative keywords can result in poorly targeted ads and a lower ROI.
  7. Not monitoring your campaign regularly: Regular monitoring and analysis of your Google Ads campaign is essential for identifying issues and making data-driven decisions. Failing to monitor your campaign can result in missed opportunities for optimization.
  8. Setting an unrealistic budget: Setting an unrealistic budget can result in overspending and poor ROI. It’s important to set a realistic budget based on your goals and the performance of your campaign.
  9. Failing to take advantage of all available ad formats: Google Ads offers a range of different ad formats, including text, image, and video ads. Failing to take advantage of all available ad formats can limit your reach and effectiveness.
  10. Ignoring mobile optimization: With more people than ever using mobile devices to browse the internet, it’s important to ensure that your ads are optimized for mobile. Failing to optimize for mobile can result in poor performance and missed opportunities.



Managing a successful Google Ads campaign requires careful planning, regular optimization, and ongoing monitoring. By avoiding common mistakes such as failing to define clear goals, poorly targeted ads, and not optimizing your ads, you can maximize your ROI and achieve better results.

It’s important to regularly review and adjust your campaign based on data and analytics, and to take advantage of all available ad formats to reach the widest possible audience. By avoiding these mistakes and taking a strategic approach to your Google Ads campaign, you can achieve better results and grow your business.



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